Very often people with developmental disabilities are better able to express themselves in images than in words. Therefore, we understand the need for art enrichment in the special needs community. The Top Hat Special Arts program offers a fun-oriented art class for adults with a wide variety of intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Top Hat Special Arts program offers participants a chance to gain confidence in their skills and acquire new ones as they build friendships and create wonderful artwork. Our class will empower and enrich adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities enabling them to grow as individuals.
The students will work on one project per class. The projects vary from painting to collaging, crafting and many other creative projects. Very social, hands-on, lots of camaraderie and fun! Adaptive art equipment available upon request.
Ages: late teen trough adult Instructor: Taylor Fennell
Every Monday from 11:00 am – 12:00 noon $16 per individual, including materials
We are a handicapped-accessible studio.

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time” –Thomas Merton.

Art can open up a whole new world for someone. It provides an outlet for one to communicate feelings. It is an opportunity to take a picture or an idea in your head and make it into something tangible. With art, the possibilities are endless.