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¡Feliz cumpleaños!

The fiesta de quince años (also fiesta de quinceañera) is a celebration of a girl's 15th birthday. The girl celebrating her 15th birthday is a quinceañera. In Spanish and Latin countries, the term quinceañera is reserved solely for the honoree; in English, primarily in the United States, the term is used to refer to the celebrations and honors surrounding the occasion.

At Top Hat Dance Studio, we have special packages designed to assist the Quinceañera and her court in preparation for this important day.  One of our Top Hat teachers will craft a beautifully choreographed piece to commemorate the occasion.  The  Quinceañera presents us with her thoughts and ideas, then we take care of the rest.  All of this is done in a fun and exciting environment; creating a memory that will last forever.  

Package Options:

Option 1:  Hourly Rate

$100.00 per hour (up to 12 participants)

$10.00 per additional participant

Option 2:  6-Lesson Package Rate

$525.00 for 6 hours (up to 12 participants)

$48.00 per additional participant

*Lesson are scheduled in one-hour blocks.

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